Seerat Sayedna Ali Ibn Abi Taalib (R.A) - سیرت سیدنا علی المرتضٰی رضی اللہ عنہ
Order your copy of Seerat Sayedna Ali Ibn Abi Taalib (R.A) - سیرت سیدنا علی المرتضٰی رضی اللہ عنہ from Urdu Book to earn reward points along with fast Shipping and chance to win books in the book fair and Urdu bazar online.
Author: Dr. Ali Muhammad Sallabi
ISBN No: 9786035002851
Category: Biography
Publish Date: 06/13/2006
Language: Urdu
Book Pages: 728
Weight: 1.2 kg
Book Size: 14x21
Color: 1 color
نبی کریم ﷺ کے بعد امتِ مسلمہ کے سب سےبڑے قائد اور اسلامی معاشرے کا سب سے عظیم نمونہ اور نمائند ہ شخصیت ابو بکر صدیق ؒ ہی تھے۔ خلافتِ راشدہ کی ابتدائی فتوحات، کامیابیاں اور خوبیاں عہد صدیقی ہی کی رہینِ منت تھیں۔ سیدنا ابو بکر صدیق ؒ ایمان و یقین، اطاعت و غلامی، محبت و وارفتگی اور ہمت و حوصلہ جیسے بے مثل خوبیوں سے مالا مال تھے۔ آیئے، ہم بھی اُنکی سیرت کی مطالعہ کر کے اپنے اعمال کو نکھارنے کا سامان کریں۔
This book relates the life of the Leader of the Believers, `Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, from birth until his martyrdom. The book relates also with detail how he came to Islam and his most important actions in Makkah, his migration to Madinah, his life in Madinah, his campaigns and battles alongside the Messenger of Allah, his life during the era of Rightly Guided Caliphs and his swearing of allegiance and his period of Caliphate. It also discusses the internal problems that `Ali faced during his reign. It goes on to mention the events that led to the Battle of the Camel, and how all the parties involved are from any fault. Afterwards, the events of the Battle of Siffeen are mentioned, along with the relationship between `Ali and Mu`aawiyah. The book sheds light on the fallacies that are held by some deviant groups about these events and their distortion of historical truths.
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Order your copy of Seerat Sayedna Ali Ibn Abi Taalib (R.A) - سیرت سیدنا علی المرتضٰی رضی اللہ عنہ from Urdu Book to earn reward points along with fast Shipping and chance to win books in the book fair and Urdu bazar online.
Author: Dr. Ali Muhammad Sallabi
ISBN No: 9786035002851
Category: Biography
Publish Date: 06/13/2006
Language: Urdu
Book Pages: 728
Weight: 1.2 kg
Book Size: 14x21
Color: 1 color
نبی کریم ﷺ کے بعد امتِ مسلمہ کے سب سےبڑے قائد اور اسلامی معاشرے کا سب سے عظیم نمونہ اور نمائند ہ شخصیت ابو بکر صدیق ؒ ہی تھے۔ خلافتِ راشدہ کی ابتدائی فتوحات، کامیابیاں اور خوبیاں عہد صدیقی ہی کی رہینِ منت تھیں۔ سیدنا ابو بکر صدیق ؒ ایمان و یقین، اطاعت و غلامی، محبت و وارفتگی اور ہمت و حوصلہ جیسے بے مثل خوبیوں سے مالا مال تھے۔ آیئے، ہم بھی اُنکی سیرت کی مطالعہ کر کے اپنے اعمال کو نکھارنے کا سامان کریں۔
This book relates the life of the Leader of the Believers, `Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, from birth until his martyrdom. The book relates also with detail how he came to Islam and his most important actions in Makkah, his migration to Madinah, his life in Madinah, his campaigns and battles alongside the Messenger of Allah, his life during the era of Rightly Guided Caliphs and his swearing of allegiance and his period of Caliphate. It also discusses the internal problems that `Ali faced during his reign. It goes on to mention the events that led to the Battle of the Camel, and how all the parties involved are from any fault. Afterwards, the events of the Battle of Siffeen are mentioned, along with the relationship between `Ali and Mu`aawiyah. The book sheds light on the fallacies that are held by some deviant groups about these events and their distortion of historical truths.
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