Isharon ki Zuban mai Namaz اشاروں کی زبان میں نماز
Order your copy of Isharon ki Zuban mai Namaz اشاروں کی زبان میں نماز from Urdu Book to get a huge discount along with Shipping and chance to win books in the book fair and Urdu bazar online.
Author: Abdul Hameed Bhutta
ISBN No: 177-6660-01
Publish Date: 06/08/2013
Language: Urdu
Book Pages: 80
Weight: 0.25 kg
Book Size: 14x21
Color: 2 color
This special edition of the correct way to offer Namaz (prayer) is designed for the speaking and hearing impaired people. It features clear illustrations of all the actions that need to be observed in a prayer and explains them all in sign language through pictures. It also explains all the supplications that we have to pray during the various phases of prayer in sign language so that hearing & speaking people who cannot read can also understand it and benefit from this book. The Arabic supplications are also translated in sign language through clear pictures of hand signs with Urdu captions. This book also highlights the correct way of performing ablution (Wudhu) along with offering funeral prayers. ہمارا معاشرتی المیہ ہے کہ ہم قوت سماعت و بصارت سے محروم افراد کو معاشرے کا ادنی و حقیر فرد سمجھتے ہوئے نظر انداز کردیتے ہیں۔ اکثر دینی طبقہ بھی اس سلسلہ میں بے پرواہی، سستی ،تساہل اور غفلت کا شکار ہے حالانکہ اللہ تعالی نے قرآن مجید میں مختلف مقامات پر معذوروں کے حوالوں سے احکامات بیان فرمائے ہیں۔
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Order your copy of Isharon ki Zuban mai Namaz اشاروں کی زبان میں نماز from Urdu Book to get a huge discount along with Shipping and chance to win books in the book fair and Urdu bazar online.
Author: Abdul Hameed Bhutta
ISBN No: 177-6660-01
Publish Date: 06/08/2013
Language: Urdu
Book Pages: 80
Weight: 0.25 kg
Book Size: 14x21
Color: 2 color
This special edition of the correct way to offer Namaz (prayer) is designed for the speaking and hearing impaired people. It features clear illustrations of all the actions that need to be observed in a prayer and explains them all in sign language through pictures. It also explains all the supplications that we have to pray during the various phases of prayer in sign language so that hearing & speaking people who cannot read can also understand it and benefit from this book. The Arabic supplications are also translated in sign language through clear pictures of hand signs with Urdu captions. This book also highlights the correct way of performing ablution (Wudhu) along with offering funeral prayers. ہمارا معاشرتی المیہ ہے کہ ہم قوت سماعت و بصارت سے محروم افراد کو معاشرے کا ادنی و حقیر فرد سمجھتے ہوئے نظر انداز کردیتے ہیں۔ اکثر دینی طبقہ بھی اس سلسلہ میں بے پرواہی، سستی ،تساہل اور غفلت کا شکار ہے حالانکہ اللہ تعالی نے قرآن مجید میں مختلف مقامات پر معذوروں کے حوالوں سے احکامات بیان فرمائے ہیں۔
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