Astrophysics and The Holy Quran
Order your copy of Astrophysics and The Holy Quran from Urdu Book to get huge discount along with Shipping and chance to win books in book fair and urdu bazar online.
Author: Prof. Abdul Rashid Khan
ISBN No: 978-603-500-134-2
Publish Date: 06/15/2012
Language: English
Book Pages: 248
Weight: 0.5 kg
Book Size: 17x24
Color: 4 color
We are living now-a-days in the age of science. The intelligent human beings want to know where did they come from? Where did the universe come from? Will the universe come to an end, if so, how? Is the universe static or dynamic, if dynamic, is it expanding or contracting? What is time? When was it started? Will it come to an end? What are Black Holes? What are the forces of Nature? What is the smallest piece of matter? What is the status of man in the universe? Are there ultimate limits for human beings to know about something?
The majority of people especially in the third world are unable to answer these questions. When they are asked such questions, most of them answer with a shrug or with a vague and ambiguous knowledge. On the basis of Holy Qur`an as well as scientific knowledge, we have tried my level best to answer these questions in this book `Astrophysics and the Holy Quran`.
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Order your copy of Astrophysics and The Holy Quran from Urdu Book to get huge discount along with Shipping and chance to win books in book fair and urdu bazar online.
Author: Prof. Abdul Rashid Khan
ISBN No: 978-603-500-134-2
Publish Date: 06/15/2012
Language: English
Book Pages: 248
Weight: 0.5 kg
Book Size: 17x24
Color: 4 color
We are living now-a-days in the age of science. The intelligent human beings want to know where did they come from? Where did the universe come from? Will the universe come to an end, if so, how? Is the universe static or dynamic, if dynamic, is it expanding or contracting? What is time? When was it started? Will it come to an end? What are Black Holes? What are the forces of Nature? What is the smallest piece of matter? What is the status of man in the universe? Are there ultimate limits for human beings to know about something?
The majority of people especially in the third world are unable to answer these questions. When they are asked such questions, most of them answer with a shrug or with a vague and ambiguous knowledge. On the basis of Holy Qur`an as well as scientific knowledge, we have tried my level best to answer these questions in this book `Astrophysics and the Holy Quran`.
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